Show InCha Otaku no Boku to YouCha Otenba Kanojo no Icha Love Yarimakuri Seichouki - Original Dick Sucking Porn
[三毛蔵亭] 陰キャオタクの僕と陽キャおてんば彼女のイチャラブやりまくり成長記 [中国翻訳]
#417404 - harvey had woken me up again (i wasnt so pissed this time because i had had over 15 hours sleep) and said babe i got a treat for you i said harvey i just woke up we will have sex later harvey laughed and i thought to my self whats so damn funny. dry them beautiful eye harvey did as i said and wipped his tears away he said why do you love me? because your my prince charming harvey smiled but said but im nothing like you i pulled harvey over to the bed to sit down he did and i went to my knees and said baby i love you because you are nothing like me i dont really care about a guys money status the car he drives if i toke his virginity the reason i love you is beause before you was a total jerk and now you protect me love me make me happy and make me smile i get excited to see you and trust me i cant wait to be married to you my love for you is going to burn forever i started crying then (side note got a few tears now) i kissed harvey so hard it hurt my lips and im guessing
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